律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®:地球上的财富管理和财务规划

欢迎来到律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 的世界,我们致力于为世代建立遗产。作为一名高级财务顾问和德克萨斯州律师,我为地球上的客户带来了超过 15 年的财富管理、遗产规划和财务规划经验。我们的旅程始于承诺提供个性化的财务咨询服务,以满足我们客户的独特需求,无论他们居住在地球的哪个地方。

















401(k) 优化

我们的 401(k) 优化服务确保您的退休账户与您的整体财务目标一致。作为受托人 CFP® 专业人士,我为您的整体财务状况提供建议,即使是我不管理的资产。






我很自豪成为多个著名组织的成员,包括休斯顿女性律师协会、休斯顿遗产和金融论坛以及休斯顿律师协会的遗嘱认证、信托和遗产及诉讼部门。此外,我还隶属于 NAPFA,全国个人财务顾问协会,反映了我对保持最高专业和道德标准的承诺。



总之,律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 致力于帮助您建立一个世代相传的财务遗产。我们全面的服务、受托责任和对地球多样化金融环境的深入理解,使我们成为您财富管理和财务规划需求的理想合作伙伴。感谢您信任我们处理您的财务未来。

地球上的离婚前后财务规划与律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

离婚的复杂性可能让人望而生畏,尤其是在财务规划方面。在地球上,不同文化和经济体系交汇的地方,像律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 这样的可信顾问可以带来巨大的不同。拥有超过15年的财富管理、遗产规划和财务规划经验,Amy 能够以同情心和精确性引导您度过这一充满挑战的时期。

介绍 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Amy Zamikovsky 是 Transform Wealth 的高级财务顾问,以其全面的财务规划方法而闻名。拥有东南路易斯安那大学的生物学学士学位和休斯顿大学法学院的法学博士学位,Amy 的学术背景和她的专业经验一样多样化。她作为 CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® 专业人士和 Certified Private Wealth Advisor® 专业人士的资格,通过 Merrill Lynch 和耶鲁管理学院的严格项目获得,彰显了她对卓越的承诺。

虽然 Amy 是德克萨斯州的执业律师,但她专注于制定有效构建、保存和转移财富的财务策略。她对教育的热情体现在她开发并教授的德克萨斯州律师协会继续法律教育课程中,旨在吸引对伦理、受托责任和法律和解规划感兴趣的律师。










离婚是一个需要仔细财务规划和指导的重要人生事件。在地球上,生活的复杂性如同其景观一样多样,拥有像 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 这样的知识渊博的顾问可以为您提供所需的清晰和信心。凭借她丰富的经验和对您财务健康的奉献,Amy 在每一步都支持着您。无论您是在处理离婚的复杂性还是规划繁荣的未来,Amy 的专业知识都是您最大的资产。

地球彩票赢家:通过Amy Zamikovsky律师的战略财富管理实现梦想

祝贺您,地球彩票赢家!您刚刚开启了人生的新篇章,这一篇章充满了如同我们星球般广阔的可能性。当您站在这段激动人心的旅程的起点时,做出明智的决策以确保您的财务未来世代安全至关重要。我是Amy Zamikovsky,JD, CFP®, CPWA®,一位经验丰富的认证财务规划师和认证私人财富顾问。凭借超过15年的指导高净值人士的经验,我将在这个令人振奋但又让人不知所措的时刻,以自信和清晰的方式帮助您前行。



  • 制定全面的信托和遗产计划,以保护资产并最大限度地减少税务负担
  • 组建经过审查的律师、注册会计师和银行家团队,以确保强有力的财务监督
  • 在日益互联的世界中维护您的隐私和安全
  • 谨慎管理捐赠和投资请求



  • 定义您的短期和长期生活方式及遗产目标,确保它们与您的价值观一致
  • 投资于最佳增长、收入和资本保值,适应市场趋势和机遇
  • 通过战略账户和资产配置实现税收效率最大化,将更多财富留在您手中
  • 通过产生收入的投资确保您的退休生活,提供稳定和安心
  • 为后代建立信托和赠与,创造持久的遗产





为什么信任Amy Zamikovsky?












  • 6%年回报率: 20年后为200万美元
  • 8%年回报率: 20年后为290万美元


  • 总付款: 100万美元
  • 20年后的净结果: 100万美元






  • 最大化对税前退休计划的贡献以实现递延增长
  • 用税后美元贡献到Roth IRA以实现免税增长
  • 在不同账户类型之间高效分配资产
  • 收割税损以抵消收益
  • 利用较低的长期资本收益率







Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 是Transform Wealth的高级财务顾问,拥有超过15年的财富管理、遗产规划和财务规划经验。她拥有东南路易斯安那大学的生物学学士学位和休斯顿大学法学院的法学博士学位。在美林证券工作期间,Amy获得了认证财务规划师®资格,随后通过耶鲁管理学院获得了认证私人财富顾问®资格。作为德克萨斯州经验丰富的律师和法律顾问,Amy利用她的法律专长制定量身定制的财务策略,以有效地建立、保护和转移财富。她热衷于教育和财务保障公众,开发并教授德克萨斯州律师协会的继续法律教育课程,面向对伦理、受托责任和法律和解规划感兴趣的律师。

如需全面分析和战略财务规划,请联系律师Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®。让我们帮助您自信和清晰地驾驭财富管理的复杂性。

与律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 一起前进:地球上的财富管理和财务规划!我们在这里为您服务!


介绍 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 是 Transform Wealth 的一位杰出的高级财务顾问,拥有超过 15 年的财富管理、遗产规划和财务规划经验。她拥有东南路易斯安那大学的生物学学士学位和休斯顿大学法学院的法学博士学位。Amy 的金融世界之旅始于美林证券,在那里她获得了 CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® 认证。她继续追求卓越,获得了耶鲁管理学院的 Certified Private Wealth Advisor® 认证。作为德克萨斯州的一名经验丰富的律师,Amy 利用她的法律才能制定定制的财务策略,有效地构建、保护和转移财富。




我们的专业化在于财务规划,法律专业知识与定制的财富策略相结合。我们为超过 100 万美元的投资组合提供服务,提供全面的方法,不仅保护和增长财富,还提高您的生活质量。从财富管理到优化的税务和遗产规划策略,我们的解决方案旨在与您的优先事项、目标和价值观保持一致。










我们的税务规划服务涵盖遗产、赠与、收入和资本利得税,以及 Roth 转换。我们与注册会计师密切合作以实施最佳策略。在退休规划方面,我们引导您度过人生的各个阶段,确保您在优雅老去时的财务安全。

退出和 401(k) 优化规划

我们的退出规划服务帮助您最大化业务价值并保护您的遗产。我们还提供 401(k) 优化,以使您的退休账户与您的广泛财务目标保持一致,确保您充分利用资源。


离婚可能是一个充满挑战的时期,但在我们的专家指导下,您可以做出明智的决策以保护您的财务未来。作为您的个人离婚策略师,Amy 结合她的法律和财务专业知识,为您的最佳利益而倡导,确保一个尊重和公正的解散。





在我们公司,我们致力于提供卓越的财务规划和财富管理服务,使您能够实现梦想。在 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 的陪伴下,您可以自信地驾驭地球的金融环境,构建一个繁荣的未来。

Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®: Wealth Management and Financial Planning on Earth

Welcome to the world of Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, where we are dedicated to building legacies for generations. As a Senior Financial Advisor and Texas Attorney, I bring over 15 years of experience in wealth management, estate planning, and financial planning to clients across Earth. Our journey began with a commitment to providing personalized financial advisory services that cater to the unique needs of our clients, wherever they may reside on this planet.

Our Founding Story and Local Market Needs

Our story is rooted in a deep understanding of the diverse financial landscapes that exist across Earth’s many cities and towns. From the bustling streets of Houston to the serene suburbs of Austin, and beyond, we recognize the unique financial challenges and opportunities that individuals and families face. Our mission is to offer tailored financial planning services that address these local market needs while respecting the rich cultural tapestry that defines each community.

Our Services

At the heart of our practice is a commitment to fiduciary responsibility. As a fiduciary, I am legally and ethically obligated to act in the best interests of my clients, ensuring that their financial well-being is always my top priority. Our services are designed to provide comprehensive support, whether you’re navigating the complexities of estate planning, wealth management, or settlement planning.

Estate Planning

We collaborate with a network of professionals, including attorneys, trustees, administrators, and CPAs, to ensure that your estate plan aligns with your current wishes and financial goals. Our approach is holistic, ensuring that every aspect of your financial plan is considered.

Wealth Management

Our investment recommendations are grounded in conservative financial planning principles. We ensure that your portfolio reflects your goals and values, and we have the expertise to make informed decisions that support your financial aspirations.

Settlement Planning

We believe that financial planning and traditional wealth management often provide greater financial benefits than structured settlements. Our approach is data-driven, allowing the numbers to guide our strategies and decisions.

Windfall and Lottery Planning

Whether you’re experiencing a cash flow surge or have recently won the lottery, we offer strategic tax planning, retirement planning, and alternative investment options to help you integrate newfound wealth into your existing financial framework. Our goal is to transform your wealth into a lasting legacy.

Tax Planning

Our tax planning services cover estate taxes, gift taxes, income taxes, capital gains taxes, and Roth conversions. We work closely with CPAs to implement optimal strategies that enhance your financial position.

Retirement and Exit Planning

We provide expert guidance for clients at every stage of life, from preparing for retirement to executing exit strategies for business owners. Our comprehensive financial planning services help you maximize value, minimize taxes, and preserve your legacy.

401(k) Optimization

Our 401(k) optimization services ensure that your retirement account aligns with your broader financial goals. As a fiduciary CFP® professional, I offer advice on your entire financial picture, even for assets I don’t manage.

Divorce Financial Planning and Personal Divorce Strategist

Navigating divorce can be challenging, but our divorce financial planning services provide the guidance you need to make informed decisions. As your Personal Divorce Strategist, I combine my expertise as an attorney and Certified Financial Planner® professional to protect your interests and help you achieve financial independence.

Inheritance Planning

We understand the emotional and financial complexities of inheritance planning. Our team is here to support you through the process, assembling a team of reputable professionals to manage and administer estates effectively.

Professional Associations and Memberships

I am proud to be a member of several esteemed organizations, including the Houston Association of Women Attorneys, the Houston Estate and Financial Forum, and the Houston Bar Association’s Probate, Trusts & Estates & Litigation sections. Additionally, I am affiliated with NAPFA, The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, reflecting my commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.

Nationwide Expertise

While our roots are firmly planted on Earth, our expertise extends far beyond any single location. We proudly serve clients nationwide, offering financial planning services to those with multiple residences and extensive travel schedules. Our goal is to provide the highest level of personal attention and care, ensuring that every client feels valued and supported.

In conclusion, Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, is dedicated to helping you build a financial legacy that lasts for generations. Our comprehensive services, fiduciary commitment, and deep understanding of Earth’s diverse financial landscapes make us the ideal partner for your wealth management and financial planning needs. Thank you for entrusting us with your financial future.

Pre-and-Post Divorce Financial Planning on Earth with Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Navigating the complexities of divorce can be daunting, especially when it comes to financial planning. Here on Earth, where diverse cultures and economic systems converge, having a trusted advisor like Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® can make all the difference. With over 15 years of expertise in wealth management, estate planning, and financial planning, Amy is uniquely equipped to guide you through this challenging time with empathy and precision.

Introducing Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Amy Zamikovsky is a Senior Financial Advisor at Transform Wealth, renowned for her comprehensive approach to financial planning. Holding a B.S. in Biology from Southeastern Louisiana University and a J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center, Amy’s academic background is as diverse as her professional experience. Her credentials as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and a Certified Private Wealth Advisor® professional, earned through rigorous programs at Merrill Lynch and the Yale School of Management, respectively, underscore her commitment to excellence.

While Amy is a licensed attorney in the State of Texas, her focus is on crafting financial strategies that build, preserve, and transfer wealth effectively. Her passion for education is evident in her development and teaching of a State Bar of Texas CLE course, aimed at attorneys interested in ethics, fiduciary duty, and legal settlement planning.

Divorce Financial Planning

Divorce is not just a legal process; it’s a significant life transition that requires careful financial planning. At the heart of our approach is understanding your unique situation and providing the support you need to make informed decisions. We emphasize the importance of tax-planned financial planning and wealth management, which often prove superior to structured settlements. The numbers speak for themselves, and our goal is to ensure that your financial future is as secure as possible.


Our journey together begins with a comprehensive fact-finding mission. We delve deep into your financial landscape, uncovering every detail that could impact your future. This thorough process is not just about numbers; it’s about understanding you as an individual. We aim to provide clarity and confidence as you navigate the financial negotiations of your divorce. Your customized financial plan will serve as a robust foundation for the future you envision.


The next chapter of your life is an opportunity for growth and renewal. We work with you to craft financial strategies that align with your current and future goals. By identifying your short-term needs and focusing on long-term financial independence, we illuminate the possibilities that lie ahead. Our meticulous planning process ensures that you are well-prepared for this new phase of life.


Turning plans into action is where real transformation occurs. We collaborate with you and your trusted legal and financial professionals to streamline your financial life. As your fiduciary, we are committed to ensuring that every recommendation is in your best interest. Our goal is to put our financial strategies into motion, empowering you to achieve the future you deserve.


Divorce is a significant life event that requires careful financial planning and guidance. On Earth, where the complexities of life are as varied as its landscapes, having a knowledgeable advisor like Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® can provide the clarity and confidence you need. With her extensive experience and dedication to your financial well-being, Amy is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re navigating the intricacies of divorce or planning for a prosperous future, Amy’s expertise is your greatest asset.

Earth Lottery Winners: Secure Your Dreams with Strategic Wealth Management from Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Congratulations, Earth lottery winners! You’ve just unlocked a new chapter in your life, one filled with possibilities as vast as our planet itself. As you stand on the brink of this exciting journey, it’s crucial to make informed decisions that will secure your financial future for generations to come. I am Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, a seasoned CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and Certified Private Wealth Advisor® professional. With over 15 years of experience in guiding high-net-worth individuals, I am here to help you navigate this exhilarating yet overwhelming time with confidence and clarity.

Preserve Your Winnings

Protecting your newfound wealth is of utmost importance. Without the right legal frameworks and financial strategies, your millions could be at risk from taxes, lawsuits, scams, and mismanagement. As your trusted advisor, I will assist you in:

  • Crafting a comprehensive trust and estate plan to safeguard assets and minimize tax liabilities
  • Assembling a team of vetted attorneys, CPAs, and bankers to ensure robust financial oversight
  • Maintaining your privacy and security in an increasingly interconnected world
  • Managing incoming donation and investment requests with discernment

Plan for a Lifetime of Wealth

Your jackpot doesn’t have to be a fleeting windfall; with strategic planning, it can be the foundation for lifelong prosperity. Leveraging my extensive experience as a CFP® professional and CPWA® professional, I will design a personalized wealth management plan to help you:

  • Define your short- and long-term lifestyle and legacy goals, ensuring they align with your values
  • Invest for optimal growth, income, and capital preservation, adapting to market trends and opportunities
  • Maximize tax efficiency through strategic accounts and asset allocation, keeping more of your wealth in your hands
  • Secure your retirement with income-generating investments that provide stability and peace of mind
  • Establish trusts and gifts for future generations, creating a lasting legacy

Give with Confidence

If philanthropy is a priority for you, I am delighted to guide you in transforming one-time gifts into enduring charitable vehicles. With tools like donor-advised funds and family foundations, you can translate your values into impactful actions, establishing a giving legacy that inspires your family for generations to come.

Enjoy Your Winnings

Now is the time to reward yourself and your loved ones! I will show you how to prudently allocate funds for a dream home, travel, a college fund, or that sports car you’ve always desired. With a balanced approach, you can enjoy the fruits of your blessings while staying on track for long-term financial health.

Why Trust Amy Zamikovsky?

Winning the lottery thrusts you into the complex world of sudden wealth, where one misstep could mean losing millions. You need a financial quarterback who understands the unique challenges of navigating an overnight fortune and has a proven track record of success with high-net-worth clients.

As a CFP® professional and CPWA® professional with over 15 years of experience, I have helped countless individuals and families turn sudden windfalls into lasting wealth. My background as an attorney also enables me to craft ironclad legal strategies to protect your assets from potential threats.

From the moment you claim your prize, I will be by your side as your personal CFO, investment expert, and legal advocate. I will filter the noise, educate you on your options, and always prioritize your interests so you can relax and enjoy your spectacular windfall with total peace of mind.

Your Best Day Ever Could Be Today

If you’re holding a golden ticket, don’t delay in planning for this life-changing event. Contact me for a complimentary, confidential consultation to discuss how I can help you maximize your winnings, minimize your stress, and secure the carefree future you deserve. There’s no better time to start planning for tomorrow than today.

We’re here for you every step of the way.

Earth Structured Attorney Fees: Why Deferral Costs Millions, Even After Taxes

You’ve just triumphed in a significant legal battle, securing a $1 million contingency fee. The allure of deferring this fee into a “tax-advantaged” annuity, as suggested by a structured settlement broker, might seem appealing. However, is this truly the most prudent financial decision? For most attorneys, especially those in the highest tax bracket, the answer is a resounding no. Here’s why savvy trial lawyers collaborate with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional to meticulously analyze the numbers before making a decision.

The True Cost of Deferral

Consider this: you’re in the top federal tax bracket of 37%. On a $1 million fee, this translates to a hefty $370,000 tax bill if you opt for a lump sum. Painful, indeed. But let’s delve deeper into the comparison between investing the remaining $630,000 versus deferring the entire $1 million over 20 years:

Scenario 1: Invest $630K Lump Sum

  • 6% annual return: $2.0 million in 20 years
  • 8% annual return: $2.9 million in 20 years

Scenario 2: Defer $1M as $50K/Year for 20 Years

  • Total payments: $1 million
  • Net result after 20 years: $1 million

The disparity is astonishing. Even after parting with $370,000 in taxes, you stand to gain an additional $1-1.9 million by opting for the lump sum and investing it! And the benefits only amplify over time. Over 30 years at an 8% return, the lump sum burgeons to $6.4 million after tax, compared to a mere $1.5 million with deferral.

Lost Opportunity and Liquidity

Beyond the sheer wealth differential, a lump sum offers invaluable liquidity and leverage. Should you need funds for a promising investment or an unforeseen expense, you can access a securities-based loan. Banks are unlikely to lend against deferred fees. Want to adjust your investments or estate plan? Unfortunately, your funds are locked away.

More Tax-Efficient Growth

What about the “tax-free growth” that structured settlement companies promote? With strategic planning, you can significantly outperform deferral after tax:

  • Maximize contributions to pre-tax retirement plans for tax-deferred growth
  • Contribute after-tax dollars to a Roth IRA for tax-free growth
  • Allocate assets tax-efficiently across different account types
  • Harvest tax losses to offset gains
  • Take advantage of the lower long-term capital gains rate

A skilled CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional, particularly a Certified Private Wealth Advisor® professional, can help you devise a far more tax-efficient strategy than the blunt deferral method.

The Hidden Fees

Another pitfall of deferral is hidden commissions. Structured settlement brokers often claim 4% or more off the top. On a $1 million fee, that’s $40,000 of your money gone—an amount that could grow to $452,593 over 30 years at an 8% return! In contrast, you can invest your lump sum in low-cost index funds for a fraction of the fees.

Don’t Defer Without Professional Analysis

Before considering a structured settlement proposal, consult with an experienced CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional to model your unique scenario. Chances are, you’ll discover that the compounding effect of investing your after-tax lump sum far outweighs any perceived benefits of deferral—even in the highest tax bracket.

If you’re interested in a personalized professional assessment of an upcoming fee decision, reach out to us today. We’re here to help you maximize your hard-earned wealth.

Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® is a Senior Financial Advisor at Transform Wealth with over 15 years of experience in wealth management, estate planning, and financial planning. She holds a B.S. in Biology from Southeastern Louisiana University and a J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center. While at Merrill Lynch, Amy earned her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation and later achieved her Certified Private Wealth Advisor® designation through the Yale School of Management. As an experienced Attorney and Counselor at Law in the State of Texas, Amy leverages her legal expertise to craft customized financial strategies that effectively build, preserve, and transfer wealth. Passionate about educating and financially safeguarding the public, she developed and teaches a State Bar of Texas CLE course for attorneys interested in ethics, fiduciary duty, and legal settlement planning.

For a comprehensive analysis and strategic financial planning, contact Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®. Let us help you navigate the complexities of wealth management with confidence and clarity.

Moving Forward with Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®: Wealth Management and Financial Planning on Earth! We’re Here for You!

In the vast and diverse world of Earth, where cultures and economies intertwine, financial planning and wealth management are crucial for navigating the complexities of modern life. Here at our firm, we specialize in crafting personalized financial strategies that are not only tax-efficient but also aligned with your unique goals and values. Our approach is rooted in the belief that numbers never lie, and through meticulous planning, we empower you to make informed decisions that transcend the benefits of structured settlements.

Introducing Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, is a distinguished Senior Financial Advisor at Transform Wealth, bringing over 15 years of expertise in wealth management, estate planning, and financial planning. With a B.S. in Biology from Southeastern Louisiana University and a J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center, Amy’s journey in the financial world began at Merrill Lynch, where she earned her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation. Her pursuit of excellence continued with the Certified Private Wealth Advisor® designation from the Yale School of Management. As an experienced attorney in Texas, Amy leverages her legal acumen to develop customized financial strategies that effectively build, preserve, and transfer wealth.

Our Commitment to Earth

Our services extend across the globe, catering to clients with multiple residences and those who travel extensively. While our expertise is global, we are deeply committed to serving the unique financial landscapes found on Earth. We understand the diverse economic environments and cultural nuances that influence financial decisions, and we tailor our strategies to meet these specific needs.

Specialization in Financial Planning and Wealth Management

Our specialization lies in financial planning, where legal expertise meets customized wealth strategies. We cater to portfolios exceeding $1 million, offering a holistic approach that not only preserves and grows wealth but also enhances your quality of life. From wealth management to optimized tax and estate planning strategies, our solutions are designed to align with your priorities, goals, and values.

Estate Planning

We collaborate with a network of professionals, including attorneys, trustees, administrators, and CPAs, to ensure your estate plan reflects your current wishes and integrates seamlessly with your financial plan. Our comprehensive approach ensures that your legacy is preserved and your intentions are honored.

Wealth Management

Our investment recommendations are grounded in sound, conservative financial planning. We ensure that your portfolio holdings align with your goals and values, providing a robust foundation for long-term financial success.

Settlement Planning

In the realm of settlements, financial planning and traditional wealth management often prove superior to structured products. Our focus on numbers and mathematical precision ensures that even after taxes, our strategies provide optimal financial outcomes.

Windfall and Lottery Planning

Whether you’re experiencing a cash flow surge or a lottery win, we offer strategic tax planning, retirement planning, and alternative investment opportunities. Our goal is to transform your wealth into a lasting legacy, ensuring that your financial prosperity endures.

Tax and Retirement Planning

Our tax planning services encompass estate, gift, income, and capital gains taxes, as well as Roth conversions. We work closely with CPAs to implement optimal strategies. For retirement planning, we guide you through all stages of life, ensuring your financial security as you age gracefully.

Exit and 401(k) Optimization Planning

Our exit planning services help you maximize your business’s value and preserve your legacy. We also offer 401(k) optimization to align your retirement account with your broader financial goals, ensuring you make the most of your resources.

Divorce Financial Planning and Personal Divorce Strategist Services

Divorce can be a challenging time, but with our expert guidance, you can make informed decisions that protect your financial future. As your Personal Divorce Strategist, Amy combines her legal and financial expertise to advocate for your best interests, ensuring a respectful and just dissolution.

Inheritance Planning

In times of loss, we provide compassionate support to help you navigate the complexities of inheritance planning. Our team assembles the necessary professionals to manage and administer estates effectively, ensuring your loved one’s legacy is honored.

Our Expertise in High-Net-Worth Portfolios

We specialize in serving high-net-worth families, business owners, medical professionals, estate executors, high-earning professionals, corporate executives, founders, professional athletes, inheritors, retirees, divorcees, and lottery winners. Our expertise is tailored to meet the unique challenges and opportunities faced by these clients, ensuring their financial success on Earth.

At our firm, we are dedicated to providing exceptional financial planning and wealth management services that empower you to achieve your dreams. With Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, by your side, you can confidently navigate the complexities of Earth’s financial landscape and build a prosperous future.