律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®:地球上的财富管理和财务规划

欢迎来到律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 的世界,我们致力于为世代传承建立遗产。作为一名高级财务顾问和德克萨斯州律师,我很高兴向地球介绍自己,这个充满活力和多样性的星球是无数文化、历史和社区的家园。我们的旅程始于承诺提供个性化的财务咨询服务,以满足客户的独特需求,无论他们居住在这个美丽星球的何处。




















401(k) 优化

我们优化您的雇主赞助的退休账户,确保与您更广泛的财务目标、风险承受能力和退休时间表一致。作为受托人 CFP® 专业人士,我提供关于您整体财务状况的建议。








我们专注于超过100万美元的投资组合,代表全球客户,包括地球上的客户。我们的办公室位于德克萨斯州休斯顿 Gessner 路 820 号,仅限预约。请通过 contact@attorneyamycfp.com 或 (512) 537-2221 联系我们。

我们是专业组织的自豪成员,如休斯顿女性律师协会、休斯顿遗产和财务论坛、休斯顿律师协会——遗嘱认证、信托和遗产及诉讼部门,以及 NAPFA,全美个人财务顾问协会。

感谢您考虑律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®,满足您的财务规划和财富管理需求。我们期待与您共同建立持久的遗产。

地球上的离婚前后财务规划与律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 的介绍

来自地球的问候!我是 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®,一名拥有超过15年财富管理、遗产规划和财务规划经验的高级财务顾问。我的旅程始于东南路易斯安那大学的生物学学士学位,随后在休斯顿大学法学院获得法学博士学位。在美林证券工作期间,我获得了CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®(注册财务规划师)认证,后来通过耶鲁大学管理学院获得了Certified Private Wealth Advisor®(注册私人财富顾问)认证。作为一名持证的德克萨斯州律师,我利用我的法律专业知识制定个性化的财务策略,有效地建立、保存和转移财富。我的热情在于教育和在财务上保护公众,我通过教授德克萨斯州律师协会的伦理、受托责任和法律和解规划的继续法律教育课程来实现这一目标。












820 Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77024

电话:(512) 537-2221


地球彩票中奖者:通过律师Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®的战略财富管理实现您的梦想




  • 制定信托和遗产计划以保护您的资产并最大限度地减少税收负担
  • 组建经过审核的律师、注册会计师和银行家团队来支持您的财务旅程
  • 在日益互联的世界中维护您的隐私和安全
  • 有辨识力地管理捐赠和投资请求



  • 定义您的短期和长期生活方式及遗产目标
  • 为最佳增长、收入和资本保值进行投资
  • 通过战略账户和资产配置实现税收效率最大化
  • 通过创收投资确保您的退休生活
  • 为后代建立信托和赠与,确保您的遗产得以延续





为什么信任Amy Zamikovsky?








820 Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77024

电子邮件: contact@attorneyamycfp.com
电话: (512) 537-2221


你刚刚赢得了一场具有里程碑意义的案件,并获得了100万美元的或有费用。一位结构化和解经纪人建议将你的费用延期到一个“税收优惠”的年金中。听起来很吸引人,但这真的是最佳的财务决策吗?在大多数情况下,答案是响亮的“不”——即使对于处于最高税率的律师也是如此。以下是为何精明的诉讼律师会与CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®专业人士合作,在做出决定之前分析数字的原因。




  • 6%的年回报率: 20年后200万美元
  • 8%的年回报率: 20年后290万美元


  • 总支付: 100万美元
  • 20年后的净结果: 100万美元






  • 最大化税前退休计划以税延增长资金
  • 向Roth IRA贡献税后美元以实现免税增长
  • 在账户类型之间高效分配资产
  • 收获税损以抵消收益
  • 利用较低的长期资本收益税率

一位熟练的CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®专业人士,尤其是Certified Private Wealth Advisor®专业人士,可以帮助你设计出比粗略的延期方法更聪明的税务策略。




在考虑结构化和解提议之前,请与经验丰富的CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®专业人士合作,建模你的独特情景。很可能,你会发现投资税后一次性付款的复利效果远远超过任何延期的表面好处——即使在最高税率下也是如此。




820 Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77024

电子邮件: contact@attorneyamycfp.com
电话: (512) 537-2221

Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®是Transform Wealth的高级财务顾问,在财富管理、遗产规划和财务规划方面拥有超过15年的综合经验。她拥有Southeastern Louisiana University的生物学学士学位和University of Houston Law Center的法学博士学位。在Merrill Lynch工作期间,Amy获得了CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®资格,并通过Yale School of Management获得了Certified Private Wealth Advisor®资格。作为德克萨斯州的经验丰富的律师和法律顾问,Amy利用她的法律专业知识构建定制的财务策略,以有效地建立、保存和转移财富。Amy热衷于教育和财务保护公众。她为德克萨斯州律师协会开发并教授一门继续法律教育课程,面向对学习更多关于伦理、受托责任和法律和解规划感兴趣的律师。

CFP®专业人士 & CPWA®专业人士和持牌德克萨斯州律师

与律师 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 一起前进:地球上的财富管理和财务规划!我们在这里为您服务!





我们服务的核心是致力于为超过 100 万美元的投资组合提供个性化的财务规划。我们全面的方法确保您的财富以精确的方式管理,与您的个人目标和价值观保持一致。从财富管理到税务和遗产规划,我们的解决方案专为满足高净值人士的独特挑战和机遇而量身定制。

介绍 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Amy Zamikovsky 是 Transform Wealth 的高级财务顾问,拥有超过 15 年的财富管理、遗产规划和财务规划经验。她拥有东南路易斯安那大学的生物学学士学位和休斯顿大学法学院的法学博士学位。Amy 的财务规划之旅始于美林,在那里她获得了 CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® 认证。为了进一步提高她的专业知识,她通过耶鲁管理学院获得了 Certified Private Wealth Advisor® 认证。作为一名经验丰富的德克萨斯州律师,Amy 利用她的法律背景来制定有效构建、保护和转移财富的财务策略。













退出和 401(k) 优化规划

我们的退出规划服务帮助您最大化企业的价值并保护您的遗产。我们还提供 401(k) 优化服务,确保您的退休账户与您的更广泛财务目标保持一致。


驾驭离婚需要专业指导。作为您的个人离婚策略师,Amy 结合她的法律和财务专业知识来保护您的利益。从资产评估到财富保护,我们支持您在基于事实而非情感的基础上做出明智的决策。



我们公司的专业知识:专注于超过 100 万美元的投资组合




820 Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77024
电子邮件: contact@attorneyamycfp.com
电话: (512) 537-2221

发现专家财务规划为您的生活带来的不同。与 Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® 一起,您不仅在管理财富;您正在建立一个遗产。

Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®: Wealth Management and Financial Planning on Earth

Welcome to the world of Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, where we are dedicated to building legacies for generations. As a Senior Financial Advisor and Texas Attorney, I am thrilled to introduce myself to Earth, a vibrant and diverse planet that serves as the home to countless cultures, histories, and communities. Our journey began with a commitment to providing personalized financial advisory services that cater to the unique needs of our clients, no matter where they reside on this beautiful planet.

With over 15 years of experience in wealth management, estate planning, and financial planning, I have honed my skills to offer comprehensive solutions that align with your goals and values. My educational background includes a B.S. in Biology from Southeastern Louisiana University and a J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center. During my tenure at Merrill Lynch, I earned my CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation, followed by the Certified Private Wealth Advisor® designation from the Yale School of Management.

As a fiduciary, I am legally and ethically obligated to act in your best interests, ensuring that your financial well-being is always my top priority. My approach is rooted in humility and appreciation for the trust and opportunity you provide, and I am committed to delivering personal attention and care to each client.

Our services extend far beyond the borders of any single location, as we proudly serve clients nationwide, including those with multiple residences and extensive travel schedules. Whether you’re in bustling cities or tranquil towns, our expertise is at your disposal.

Estate Planning

We collaborate with a team of professionals, including attorneys, trustees, administrators, and CPAs, to ensure your estate plan reflects your current wishes and integrates seamlessly with your financial plan.

Wealth Management

Our investment recommendations are grounded in sound, conservative financial planning. We ensure that your portfolio holdings align with your goals and values, earning their place in your financial strategy.

Settlement Planning

Financial planning and traditional wealth management often surpass the benefits of structured products, even after taxes. We let the numbers speak for themselves, providing clarity and confidence in your financial decisions.

Windfall Planning

Cash flow surges present opportunities for strategic tax planning, retirement planning, and alternative investments. Our comprehensive financial plan lays the foundation for lasting prosperity.

Lottery Planning

Congratulations on your windfall! We have the expertise to protect you, your family, and your assets, transforming your wealth into a lasting legacy.

Tax Planning

Our tax planning services provide a clear, quantified picture of optimal strategies for estate, gift, income, and capital gains taxes, as well as Roth conversions. We work closely with CPAs to ensure proper implementation.

Retirement Planning

Whether you’re preparing for retirement or already enjoying it, we have years of experience guiding clients through life’s stages. It is our honor to support you as you grow older and wiser.

Exit Planning

Our comprehensive financial planning services help you maximize your business’s value, minimize taxes, and preserve your legacy as you transition to the next chapter.

401(k) Optimization

We optimize your employment-sponsored retirement account, ensuring alignment with your broader financial goals, risk tolerance, and retirement timeline. As a fiduciary CFP® professional, I provide advice on your entire financial picture.

Divorce Financial Planning

Our divorce financial planning services offer expert guidance to help you make informed decisions, creating a roadmap for financial independence and a new chapter in your life.

Personal Divorce Strategist

As your Personal Divorce Strategist, I combine my expertise as an attorney and Certified Financial Planner® professional to protect your interests, providing unbiased advocacy and support.

Inheritance Planning

We extend our deepest condolences for your loss. Our team is here to help you navigate the complexities of estate administration, assembling a team of reputable professionals to manage the process effectively.

Our Firm’s Expertise

Specializing in portfolios exceeding $1 million, we represent clients worldwide, including those on Earth. Our office is located at 820 Gessner Road, Houston, Texas 77024, and we are available by appointment only. Contact us at contact@attorneyamycfp.com or (512) 537-2221.

We are proud members of professional organizations such as the Houston Association of Women Attorneys, Houston Estate and Financial Forum, Houston Bar Association – Probate, Trusts & Estates & Litigation sections, and NAPFA, The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors.

Thank you for considering Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, for your financial planning and wealth management needs. We look forward to building a lasting legacy together.

Pre-and-Post Divorce Financial Planning on Earth with Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Introduction to Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Greetings from Earth! I’m Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, a Senior Financial Advisor with over 15 years of experience in wealth management, estate planning, and financial planning. My journey began with a B.S. in Biology from Southeastern Louisiana University, followed by a J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center. During my tenure at Merrill Lynch, I earned my CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation and later achieved the Certified Private Wealth Advisor® designation through the Yale School of Management. As a licensed Texas Attorney, I leverage my legal expertise to craft personalized financial strategies that effectively build, preserve, and transfer wealth. My passion lies in educating and financially safeguarding the public, which I pursue by teaching a State Bar of Texas CLE course on ethics, fiduciary duty, and legal settlement planning.

Divorce Financial Planning

Divorce is a significant life transition, and we understand the complexities it brings. At the heart of our practice is a commitment to providing empathetic and expert-level financial planning tailored to the unique needs of individuals navigating divorce on Earth. Our approach is grounded in the belief that numbers tell the truth, and through meticulous tax-planned financial planning and wealth management, we aim to deliver superior financial outcomes compared to structured settlements.


Our journey together begins with understanding you—your aspirations, concerns, and financial landscape. We take a comprehensive approach to uncover every detail that impacts your financial future. This thorough understanding empowers you with clarity and confidence during divorce negotiations. Our goal is to provide you with a customized financial plan that lays a robust foundation for the future you deserve.


The next chapter of your life is an opportunity for growth and renewal. We work collaboratively to craft financial strategies that align with your current and future goals. By identifying your short-term needs and focusing on long-term financial independence, we illuminate the possibilities that lie ahead in this new phase of life.


Real transformation occurs when plans are put into action. We partner with you and your trusted legal and financial professionals to streamline your financial life and implement our strategies. As your fiduciary, we ensure that every recommendation is made with your best interests at heart, guiding you towards a financially secure future.

Our Global Reach

While our office is based in Houston, Texas, we proudly represent clients from around the world, including those on Earth. We are here to introduce ourselves and extend our expertise, not to imply relocation or establishment in any specific location. Our commitment is to serve clients globally, ensuring that everyone has access to the financial guidance they need.

Contact Information

Office Address (By Appointment Only):
820 Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77024

Email: contact@attorneyamycfp.com
Phone: (512) 537-2221

We look forward to partnering with you on your financial journey, providing the expertise and support you need to navigate life’s transitions with confidence and clarity.

Earth Lottery Winners: Secure Your Dreams with Strategic Wealth Management from Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Congratulations, Earth lottery winners! You’ve just unlocked a world of possibilities, and your life is about to transform in ways you may have only imagined. Amidst the excitement and whirlwind of emotions that accompany sudden wealth, you are now faced with pivotal decisions that will shape your financial security for generations to come. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional, Certified Private Wealth Advisor® professional, and attorney with over 15 years of experience guiding high-net-worth individuals, I am here to help you navigate this exhilarating yet overwhelming journey with confidence and clarity.

Preserve Your Winnings

Safeguarding your newfound wealth is of utmost importance. Without the right legal frameworks and financial strategies, your millions could be at risk from taxes, lawsuits, scams, and mismanagement. As your trusted advisor, I will assist you in:

  • Crafting a trust and estate plan to protect your assets and minimize tax liabilities
  • Assembling a team of vetted attorneys, CPAs, and bankers to support your financial journey
  • Maintaining your privacy and security in an increasingly connected world
  • Managing incoming donation and investment requests with discernment

Plan for a Lifetime of Wealth

Your jackpot doesn’t have to be a fleeting windfall; with strategic planning, it can become the foundation for lifelong prosperity. Leveraging my extensive experience as a CFP® professional and CPWA® professional, I will design a personalized wealth management plan to help you:

  • Define your short and long-term lifestyle and legacy goals
  • Invest for optimal growth, income, and capital preservation
  • Maximize tax efficiency through strategic accounts and asset allocation
  • Secure your retirement with income-generating investments
  • Establish trusts and gifts for future generations, ensuring your legacy endures

Give with Confidence

If philanthropy is among your priorities, it is my personal pleasure to guide you in transforming one-time gifts into enduring charitable vehicles. With the right tools, such as donor-advised funds and family foundations, you can translate your values into impactful actions and establish a giving legacy that inspires your family for generations.

Enjoy Your Winnings

Now is the time to reward yourself and your loved ones! I will show you how to prudently allocate funds for a dream home, travel, a college fund, or that sports car you’ve always desired. With a balanced approach, you can savor the fruits of your blessings while staying on track for long-term financial health.

Why Trust Amy Zamikovsky?

Winning the lottery thrusts you into the complex world of sudden wealth, where one misstep could mean losing millions. You need a financial quarterback who understands the unique challenges of navigating an overnight fortune and has a proven track record of success with high-net-worth clients.

As a CFP® professional and CPWA® professional with over 15 years of experience, I have helped countless individuals and families transform sudden windfalls into lasting wealth. My background as an attorney also enables me to craft robust legal strategies to protect your assets from potential threats.

From the moment you claim your prize, I will be by your side as your personal CFO, investment expert, and legal advocate. I will filter the noise, educate you on your options, and always prioritize your interests so you can relax and enjoy your spectacular windfall with total peace of mind.

Your Best Day Ever Could Be Today

If you’re holding a golden ticket, don’t delay in planning for this life-changing event. Contact me for a complimentary, confidential consultation to discuss how I can help you maximize your winnings, minimize your stress, and secure the carefree future you deserve. There’s no better time to start planning for tomorrow than today.

We’re here for you every step of the way.

This is my location. Remember that we are just introducing ourselves to Earth, not implying that we’re located there nor moving there, only that we represent clients around the world, including but not limited to Earth.

Office Address
820 Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77024

Email: contact@attorneyamycfp.com
Phone: (512) 537-2221

Earth Structured Attorney Fees: Why Deferral Costs Millions, Even After Taxes

You’ve just won a landmark case and secured a $1 million contingency fee. A structured settlement broker suggests deferring your fee into a “tax-advantaged” annuity. It sounds appealing, but is it truly the best financial decision? In most cases, the answer is a resounding no—even for attorneys in the highest tax bracket. Here’s why savvy trial lawyers collaborate with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional to analyze the numbers before making a decision.

The True Cost of Deferral

Imagine you’re in the top federal tax bracket of 37%. On a $1 million fee, that equates to a $370,000 tax bill if taken as a lump sum. Painful, right? But let’s compare investing the remaining $630,000 versus deferring the full $1 million over 20 years:

Scenario 1: Invest $630K Lump Sum

  • 6% annual return: $2.0 million in 20 years
  • 8% annual return: $2.9 million in 20 years

Scenario 2: Defer $1M as $50K/Year for 20 Years

  • Total payments: $1 million
  • Net result after 20 years: $1 million

The difference is staggering. Even after paying $370,000 in taxes, you end up with $1-1.9 million more by taking the lump sum and investing! And it only gets better long-term. Over 30 years at 8%, the lump sum grows to $6.4 million after tax versus $1.5 million with deferral.

Lost Opportunity and Liquidity

Beyond the sheer wealth gap, a lump sum provides invaluable liquidity and leverage. Need funds for a lucrative investment or unexpected expense? You can access a securities-based loan. Banks won’t lend against deferred fees. Want to pivot your investments or estate plan? Unfortunately, your money is locked up.

More Tax-Efficient Growth

What about the “tax-free growth” structured settlement companies promote? With strategic planning, you can significantly outperform deferral after tax:

  • Maximize pre-tax retirement plans to grow funds tax-deferred
  • Contribute after-tax dollars to a Roth IRA for tax-free growth
  • Allocate assets tax-efficiently among account types
  • Harvest tax losses to offset gains
  • Capitalize on the lower long-term capital gains rate

A skilled CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional, especially a Certified Private Wealth Advisor® professional, can help you engineer a far more tax-smart approach than the blunt deferral method.

The Hidden Fees

Here’s one last deferral pitfall: hidden commissions. Structured settlement brokers often take 4%+ off the top. On a $1 million fee, that’s $40,000 of your money lost—an amount that could grow to $452,593 over 30 years at 8%! In contrast, you can invest your lump sum in low-cost index funds for a fraction of the fees.

Don’t Defer Without Professional Analysis

Before considering a structured settlement proposal, engage an experienced CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional to model your unique scenario. Chances are, you’ll find the compounding effect of investing your after-tax lump sum far outweighs any perceived benefits of deferral—even in the highest tax bracket.

If you’d like a personalized professional assessment of an upcoming fee decision, contact us today to see how we can help you maximize your hard-earned wealth.

This is my location. Remember that we are just introducing ourselves to Earth, not implying that we’re located there nor moving there, only that we represent clients around the world, including but not limited to Earth.

Office Address

820 Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77024

Email: contact@attorneyamycfp.com
Phone: (512) 537-2221

Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA® is a Senior Financial Advisor at Transform Wealth with over 15 years of combined experience in wealth management, estate planning, and financial planning. She holds a B.S. in Biology from Southeastern Louisiana University and a J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center. While working at Merrill Lynch, Amy earned her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation and went on to earn her Certified Private Wealth Advisor® designation through the Yale School of Management. As an experienced Attorney and Counselor at Law in the State of Texas, Amy uses her legal expertise to build customized financial strategies that efficiently build, preserve, and transfer wealth. Amy is passionate about educating and financially protecting the public. She developed and teaches a State Bar of Texas CLE course to attorneys who are interested in learning more about ethics, fiduciary duty, and legal settlement planning.

CFP® Professional & CPWA® Professional and Licensed Texas Attorney

Moving Forward with Attorney Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®: Wealth Management and Financial Planning on Earth! We’re Here for You!

Welcome to a world where financial planning meets legal expertise, right here on Earth. As we navigate the complexities of wealth management, it’s essential to understand the unique benefits of tax-planned financial strategies over structured settlements. Numbers don’t lie, and the math decisively favors a well-structured financial plan.

Why Choose Tax-Planned Financial Planning?

Tax-planned financial planning is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity for those looking to maximize their wealth. Unlike structured settlements, which often come with limitations, a tax-planned approach offers flexibility and growth potential. By focusing on the numbers, we ensure that your wealth is not only preserved but also optimized for future generations.

Our Specialization: Where Legal Expertise Meets Customized Wealth Strategies

At the heart of our services is a commitment to providing personalized financial planning for portfolios exceeding $1 million. Our holistic approach ensures that your wealth is managed with precision, aligning with your personal goals and values. From wealth management to tax and estate planning, our solutions are tailored to meet the unique challenges and opportunities of high-net-worth individuals.

Introducing Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®

Amy Zamikovsky is a Senior Financial Advisor at Transform Wealth, bringing over 15 years of experience in wealth management, estate planning, and financial planning. With a B.S. in Biology from Southeastern Louisiana University and a J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center, Amy’s journey in financial planning began at Merrill Lynch, where she earned her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation. Furthering her expertise, she achieved the Certified Private Wealth Advisor® designation through the Yale School of Management. As an experienced attorney in Texas, Amy leverages her legal background to craft financial strategies that build, preserve, and transfer wealth efficiently.

Comprehensive Services for a Global Clientele

Our services extend beyond borders, catering to clients with multiple residences and those who travel extensively. Whether you’re a high-net-worth family, business owner, medical professional, or corporate executive, our expertise is designed to meet your needs. We also offer specialized services for divorce clients, providing both financial planning and personal divorce strategist services.

Estate Planning

We collaborate with your team of professionals, including attorneys, trustees, and CPAs, to ensure your estate plan aligns with your financial goals. Our focus is on creating a plan that reflects your current wishes and works seamlessly with your overall financial strategy.

Wealth Management

Our investment recommendations are grounded in conservative financial planning, ensuring that your portfolio aligns with your values and goals. We believe in earning the right to manage your investments, providing you with peace of mind and financial security.

Settlement Planning

When it comes to settlements, financial planning and traditional wealth management often outperform structured products. Even after taxes, the math supports a well-planned financial strategy, whether you’re the client or the plaintiff’s attorney.

Windfall and Lottery Planning

Sudden cash flow surges present opportunities for strategic planning. We help you integrate these windfalls into your financial plan, ensuring lasting prosperity. Whether it’s a lottery win or an unexpected inheritance, we guide you in transforming your wealth into a lasting legacy.

Tax and Retirement Planning

Our tax planning services cover estate, gift, income, and capital gains taxes, providing a clear picture of optimal strategies. We work closely with CPAs to ensure proper implementation. For retirement planning, we offer guidance at every stage, helping you prepare for a secure and fulfilling future.

Exit and 401(k) Optimization Planning

Our exit planning services help you maximize your business’s value and preserve your legacy. We also offer 401(k) optimization services, ensuring your retirement account aligns with your broader financial goals.

Divorce Financial Planning and Personal Divorce Strategist

Navigating divorce requires expert guidance. As your personal divorce strategist, Amy combines her legal and financial expertise to protect your interests. From asset valuation to wealth preservation, we support you in making informed decisions based on facts, not emotions.

Inheritance Planning

In times of loss, we’re here to help you move forward. Our inheritance planning services assist you in assembling a team of professionals to manage and administer estates effectively, regardless of jurisdiction.

Our Firm’s Expertise: Specializing in Portfolios > $1M+

We cater to a diverse clientele, including high-net-worth families, business owners, medical professionals, and more. Our services are designed to meet the needs of those with substantial portfolios, ensuring their wealth is managed with care and expertise.

Contact Us

We’re proud to serve clients worldwide, including those on Earth. While we’re based in Houston, Texas, our reach extends globally. To learn more about how we can assist you, contact us by appointment at:

820 Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77024
Email: contact@attorneyamycfp.com
Phone: (512) 537-2221

Discover the difference that expert financial planning can make in your life. With Amy Zamikovsky, JD, CFP®, CPWA®, you’re not just managing wealth; you’re building a legacy.